Advanced Dental Care

Services for
Advanced Dental Care
Athletic Mouth Guards
If you live an active life, depending on the physical activities and sports you participate in, you could potentially be at risk for a traumatic mouth injury. Contact sports such as football, wrestling, and hockey can be made safer with one of our customized athletic mouth guards.
Laser Dentistry
With advancements in dental technology, we are now able to offer laser dentistry as an option for many common dental procedures. Laser dentistry allows for virtually pain-free treatment that is often more efficient than traditional methods. This innovative approach to dentistry also helps patients to have faster recovery times following major procedures.
Snore Guards
Similar to the sleep appliance used to treat patients with sleep apnea, our dental professionals are able to create a mouth guard-like appliance specific to your individual needs, so snoring can be eliminated or reduced. These appliances are designed to open the air passages for a more positive flow of air while sleeping, and they are customized for the most comfortable fit possible.
TMJ/TMD Treatment
Fear or anxiety related to going to the dentist is not uncommon, but in some cases, it can be a significant problem. Dental phobia often causes patients with extreme fear to avoid regular oral exams and cleanings, leading to gum disease and other serious dental problems.
Advanced/Non-Surgical Periodontal Care
Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is caused by excessive plaque and bacteria buildup, typically leading to sensitive, red, swollen gums. Later stages of the disease can result in loose teeth, bleeding gums, tooth decay, and other symptoms. Gum disease can also lead to more serious overall health risks if not treated, including stroke and heart disease.
Sedation Dentistry
Fear or anxiety related to going to the dentist is not uncommon, but in some cases, it can be a significant problem. Dental phobia often causes patients with extreme fear to avoid regular oral exams and cleanings, leading to gum disease and other serious dental problems.
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a very common and potentially life-threatening condition often characterized by excessive snoring and/or breathing pauses while sleeping. Other signs of sleep apnea include headaches, fatigue, and restless sleep.